Abul Hisham

2024年9月27日 - 11月9日

MAMOTH is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Amsterdam-based artist Abul Hisham (b. 1987, Thrissur, Kerala), on view from 27th September. This marks the artist’s first exhibition in the UK and with the gallery.


Hisham received his BFA in Painting from the Government College of Fine Arts in Thrissur, Kerala, before pursuing his MFA in Painting at the S.N. School of Arts, University of Hyderabad. He participated in the residency program at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam from 2021 to 2023. In 2024, he was awarded the prestigious De Schefferprijs.


Hisham’s recent solo exhibitions include: Seers and Seekers, Marc Jancou Contemporary, Switzerland (2023); Recitation, Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai, India (2019); Abul Hisham - New Works, Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai, India (2014); DOMINATION, Kashi Art Gallery, Kochi, India (2010), amongst others. Hisham’s work has also been included in group exhibitions at Museum Singer Laren, Netherlands (2024); Rajiv Menon Contemporary, Los Angeles (2024); Nahmad Contemporary, New York (2024); Museum MORE, Gorssel, Netherlands (2024); Dordrecht Museum, Dordrecht, Netherlands (2024); SECCI Gallery, Dubai (2024); Ortigia Contemporanea Art Festival, Sicily, Italy (2024); Lustwarande Sculpture Park, Tilburg, Netherlands (2024); Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2024); Omstand Space for Contemporary Art, Arnhem, Netherlands (2024); Drawing Centre Diepenheim, Netherlands (2024); SECCI Gallery, Florence, Italy (2023); Museum Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2023); Galerie Mendes Wood DM, Retranchement, Netherlands (2023); Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2023), amongst others.