出版者: American Art Catalogues
ISBN: 978-1-63625-122-6
Dimensions: 27.3 × 22.9 cm (10 ¾ × 9 inches)
页: 76
76 pages
Published by American Art Catalogue
Second Expanded Edition of 300
Dimentions: 27.3 × 22.9 cm (10 ¾ × 9 inches), Portrait
Printed by Nava Press, Italy
Occult Science (Expanded Edition) features additional works from New York-based American artist Dylan Solomon Kraus’s solo exhibition That Which Reveals Itself to Whom It May Concern at MAMOTH, London, in 2020 — the artist's first solo exhibition in London and with the gallery. The publication is accompanied by a lecture delivered in 1912 by Oskar Kokoschka titled “On the Nature of Visions.”